Effective Marketing Strategies for B2B and B2C Marketing

Effective B2B & B2C Marketing Strategies


The world is witnessing a massive shift in consumer behavior. The pace with which online transactions have grown post-pandemic authenticates the claim that over 60% of marketers will be devoting more resources to the online medium in the coming years. It makes marketing strategy vital for both B2B and B2C businesses. 

B2B stands for “business-to-business” transaction, where a business makes a commercial deal with another business and caters or avails services from them. A typical example of a B2B business is where one company provides raw materials to another company that uses them to produce the final product.

Contrastingly, a B2C business directly sells products and services to customers, bypassing third-party retailers or middlemen if any. Examples of B2C businesses are Flipkart, Amazon, Grofers and other companies where the product is handed directly to the end-users.

Marketing strategies for a B2B company!

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of educating your target audience about your product and its features. It is a necessary aspect in the case of B2B digital marketing. Since they sell their products to other businesses, they highly thrive on the leads. Acquiring qualified prospects who show direct interest in the product, service or company is the primary goal in B2B marketing. The social media site LinkedIn is one of the largest sources of lead generation for businesses.


Search Engine Optimization helps a website increase its visibility when people search a term related to that business on the search engines. Appearing on the top search results helps your target audience find you and can contribute largely to generating traffic and sales. Using the right keywords, optimized content, video posts and other SEO techniques can help your content rank high on search engines. This makes SEO one of the most vital pillars of B2B digital marketing strategies

SEM(Search Engine Marketing)

Search Engine Marketing is the paid method to rank your website high on the search engines. It is also called a Pay-per-click marketing campaign. Here, the businesses run paid advertisements on leading search engines to make their page rank high, with the intent of being found out by prospects. Since the target audience base in B2B is narrow, it is easy to reach prospects. SEM can prove to be the goldmine for the digital marketing services sector if used effectively. Even though it requires a minor investment, it is one of the easiest ways to market your business and generate leads.

Effective B2B & B2C Marketing

Industry Events

Events related to the industry is one of the offline marketing channels to promote a product or service through in-person interactions with business goals like customer retention, increased event revenue, sales promotion, brand awareness and business relationship.

Marketing strategies for B2C companies!

Social Media

Unlike B2B, B2C businesses tend to reach a large base to garner maximum consumers for their product/service. Social media is a great tool for B2C digital marketing, as it has a large user base and can garner high share ability with good content.

Direct Selling

As the name says, marketing and selling the products directly to the customers is direct selling. Sales agents put effort into building a face-to-face relationship with the customers to sell their products and convince them by demonstrating the benefits of the products. Companies like Amway, Mary Kay, Avon, …, etc. rely on direct selling.

Paid Advertising

Companies use paid advertising techniques like PPC(Pay-per-click) to attract website traffic through paid advertising. The process involves a company buying or as per business terms, “sponsoring” a link that appears at the top of the search results in search engines against keywords of that business or service. It garners as many clicks as possible on the ad. The company pays the search engine for each click by the visitors, hence Pay-per-click.

Internet/Traditional marketing

Internet marketing is a colossal marketing space used to market products directly to customers. There can be various platforms on the internet to pitch the products directly to the customers. These can be traditional advertising platforms like radio, television and print media and modern digital platforms like E-mail marketing, blog marketing, social media and more. Every node that leads to the target consumer’s attention is a potential B2C marketing platform.


When two or more brands jointly promote and sell a product, it is called co-branding. It adds to the trustworthiness of the customers, as the brands involved have proven their mettle in their respective businesses/industries. Hence, they will be able to amass more consumers.

Other popular techniques implied by traditional and digital marketing companies are affinity, cause marketing, brand storytelling, conversational marketing and more. Be it B2B or B2C, the sole focus of the service provider should be an effective use of marketing strategies in their respective businesses.